Roman Life Manager
Personal information management application.
Powerful and simple. Inspired by todos.txt and markdown.
Free and opensoure.
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Project at SourceForge
Make, organize, access personal records instantly
Records as just text files. So every file in every directory in every device is a record.
Create and save records instantly.
Restore previously opened files on next run.
Sort records by directories (call them categories or domains, if you wish) and tags.
Tag records just by adding @tags inline to records.
Instant 'search as you type' by names, tags and directories in specified places.
Click @tag in record to search by it.
Pleasing look
Docking UI, allowing to open multiple records like at Visual Studio 2015.
App custom themes.
Record's content is structured (or not) and formatted by easy to understand/read/write/process rules. Similar to markdown, but better.
Headers, hyperlinks, tags, bullets, font styles, etc. Simple text file looks just like richtext file.
Collapse/expand text blocks (headers, blocks by indents, etc). Restore that next time application runs.
Ultra-fast way to edit
Words autocompletion based on pre-installed dictionary and files from current project directory.
Insert date, text, links, bullets, etc.
Fast creating of internal and external links, which are navigated by single click.
Bookmarks, text-markers.
Initially written by author for personal needs as a tool of his life-manament model.
Now it can be used by everyone.
Roman Life Manager - application, site and its content.
Copyright 2014-2016 Roman Pylypchuk. All rights reserved.
Project at SourceForge